Saturday, April 25, 2009

If I could be more serious...

This is for people familiar with this band that might ask, "Why are the blogs so goofy? I mean, the songs are so poignant and moving. I expect to come here and be barraged with some Bono-esque pathos and pictures of a somber band with the one guy that isn't facing the camera, but looking thoughtfully towards the bleak horizon." Well, that's the thing. Trust me, I have been moved to tears several times by James's emotive singing (and one time when he kicked me in the nuts) that I think it's clear we are serious about the music - we're just not that serious about ourselves.

So, while I may have fun by describing me as an emaciated prisoner of the band, Dave as a chemical abusing Golem like creature, James - a task master with "kermit the frog" bedroom eyes, Bob as a conspiracy nut with a dirigible cranium, and Mikey Well I'll be damned! Mikey has just kind of flown under the radar, hasn't he? I'll have to work on that. All said, we work extremely hard on the tunes and the catharsis is released through, to quote Poison, "Nuthin but a good time!". It's a Yin and Yang thing. The songs are the Yin, and this right here is me showing you our Yang.

If you still need a nice dose of seriousness. Here is a link you can go to: There you can gorge on the juicy prime rib of murder, war, and all around mayhem - washed down with a mulled wine of economic collapse, and top it off with a slice of American Idol pie!

Consider this place my vomitorium.


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